Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New Week 4/1/13


Well, it's the last week of the Transfer and we've broken four records in our area. We have one more to break as our goal, and we're working hard to do it.

On Saturday last, Luis was baptized. I'm trying to get it put on, the picture that is. He's awesom, a short guy with a great beard. He's got a great testimony already. I may have to wait on telling you more of the story mainly because of the time constraint we have right now. We'll actually be heading over to his house shortly for a family day activity. We'll be making them lunch, then he's going to help us make a table in his shop and we'll get to use some of his wood working machines. The one I'm most excited to work with is the lathe. He, along with Francisco, will be receiving the Aaronic Priesthood this Sunday, in between Conference sessions, and Luis may even have the opportunity right there and then to baptize his son and some nephews. We're still in the preparations and finalizing the teaching with the others, and the biggest thing that we want to help them understand is the importance of the commitments that we extend to them so often to read the scriptures and pray daily, and attend church weekly.

The baptism was performed in Lake Fagnano, as the picture testifies. It was a little chilly in the air, but Elder Rosazza and Luis both said that the water wasn't all that cold after the first few steps in. They're only actually about two meters or less out from the shore. The lake drops off quickly and no one knows how deep it is. Despite modern technology, it is still unknown.

I love you all my dear family!!!! I had to print your letters this time because of the time, so I can't answer questions from Mom and Dad, but I'mm be sure to do more in the writing next week.

Keep things "cool,"

Elder Dewsnup

Elder Matthew H. Dewsnup

MisiĆ³n Buenos Aires Norte
Gral. Lavalle 1828
1646 San Fernando
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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