Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Transfer 5/21/13

Dear Family,

Well, this week the letter will be shorter. The internet café where I am right now closes in about 15 minutes. I'll be printing out your letters to read later.

¡Man! How time flies. At the start of this transfer, I will once again be staying in Tolhuin!! Elder Johnson, however is heading for Buenos Aires on a plane in four hours. Due to that, we're at the moment in Rio Grande in a small cyber cafe waiting before he has to go to the airport. The only thing I know about my new companion is that his name is Elder Macnab or Elder McNab (both of whom are Elders in this mission). We've got a lot of work to do in Tolhuin.

We've been finding a lot of people but the hardest thing for all of them is making the sacrifice on Sunday to go to church. We've now had four weeks in a row without a single investigator in church. That and soon we will be moving locations. The hope is that the new location is more towards the center of the town, but we'll just have to see what happens.

I got my package from the office on Sunday, five weeks after it was sent. It sat in a warehouse in Buenos Aires for two weeks, then took two weeks to get down here, then another week before we finally asked someone to get it from the shipping copmpany because it was taking forever for them to get it to us. I called and complained a few times to no apparent avail. After several promises of "oh, it'll be there in... (a few days, tomorrow, later today, etc.)," I'd had enough. So, Thanks Mom, I've received what you sent three months ago and I'm enjoying every second of them! I never thought I'd be so grateful for new underwear! ;) Nor had I ever thought that I'd be asking for them for birthday or Christmas either. Interesting how interests change over the years...

We've got several new people to teach this week and we're going to be working hard to get them to understand the importance of coming to church, so that they chose for themselves to come this Sudnay. Last week, I wrote a bit about that and I'm sticking to what I said. The Sacrament is the most important part of the week. It is in those moments of reverance and reflection that we often can and will receive the revelation we need from God to be able to get through the week.

I'm looking forward to reading what you have written to me and I want you all to know how much I love you!!! There is not enough room in Cyberspace to count the number.


p.s. Mom I saw the picture of the flowers as I went to copy and paste to Word. They're lovely!!!

Elder Matthew H. Dewsnup
Misión Buenos Aires Norte
Gral. Lavalle 1828
1646 San Fernando
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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